Monday, 17 January 2011

take two...

So today was my first day of lectures in my second semester..... I belive I may have a new use for this blog spot afterall..... I need to note down what occurs in each of my sessions in one half of my production modules. So i'll note it down on here... At least this time round I can look back rather than be thinking off my head.... So firstly today we had a briefing about our project this semester. We have to convert a poem into a film. It's all about putting the language on to screen. We had an english lecuter come in for a while to give a big more meaning to do with the word 'poem'.... it actually means 'TO MAKE'. Which is exactly what we are doing. We did a small exercise where we just had to note down out favourite/least favourite smells, sounds and possessions. These keywords could be used as a starting point for a poem. Dave said that a really good poem should take you on a journey/ experience. He advised us in our groups to look for a poem that makes you feel something, even if you don't understand it. He said be 'brave and honest' with you choices even if you feel others may not see what you see. Something to think about was how has the poem/poet driven the subjects? For next week in our groups we need to have found a short poem film to show and discuss.....or maybe just the poem? im not too sure i didnt pay attention at that point ha

Sunday, 9 January 2011

weekends fly too quickly...

Ooohhh it's a Sunday and although I don't have to go to work tomorrow, i'm still not looking forward to the busy week of shifts this week. Back to Uni on Sunday which will be a lolzies time. Looking forward to payday very very much. Will be a relief to be out of the overdraft red zone, for the time being. Tomorrow i'm off to Frankie 'n' Bennys with the old skool group from work. Mmmm, i'm hungry thinking about it ha. I absolutely LOVE Dancing on Ice which started back again today on ITV. The outfits are sooo pretty, princess like :) Tbh, most of the female 'celebs' are claiming they've lost a large amount of weight. True that, but realisticly, it's because they have the funds for a personal trainer, a gym in their home, financially very comfortable and plenty of time on their hands that they can possibly loose that amount of weight in sucha small amount of time. Oohhh some people have it too easy. Speaking of which my new years resolution of a more healthy lifestyle hasn't gone according to plane yet. It's always tomorrow or next week. Can't start somethign like this mid-week.. Makes the routine odd. That's my excuse anyway. I've got my Weetabix waiting to be opened and the bread bag waiting to be sealed. Just watching Come Fly With Me on Iplayer....Sooo funny. I'm sure Walliams and Lucas speak the minds of many others...... But of course, it's all for banter ;) Genius idea. I've had a few ideas of my own mind you. Sooo wanna do my own version of a T-Mobile advert too. The airport one was so far the best. Also my screenwriting over the xmas hols also hasn't got to a start. Plenty of time for that though... More ideas to come up with eh. Right this post has been quite random but i've just written about odd bots that pop in my head ha....... Anyway maybe next time will be more specific..... Happy posting <3

Thursday, 6 January 2011


Well one of my New Years resolutions was to see what the crazy bonanzas of blogging was all about..... So, six days/nights later i've finally got cracking...... Not much to go by atm on my page but i'll continue in the morning... Or more realisticly, on my day off (Sunday)! Happy sleeping :)